Recording Events

This page contains information about all the Recording Events that users can enable and will be triggered when they tap the record button on their phone.

Record Events

A Record Event is an event that will be triggered as soon as the smartphone's record button is pressed and the recording has started. Apart from our own Recorder, you can set several other events including on that you can use in blueprints and attach to any custom workflow you desire.

Take Recorder Event

The Take Recorder Event can be enabled/disabled in the Control Panel and it will trigger the Take Recorder's record function.

In order for Take Recorder's record to work as expected you should first set the actors and parameters you want to record with Take Recorder. It will then create a new Sequence with the actors and channels for all the parameters changing in the sequence. An important note for accurate results with CameraTwin is to disable the "Reduce Keys" option.

You can reduce the countdown of the take recorder to 0.0s in order to start recording as soon as possible. Toggle on Take Recorder Settings at the top right corner of the window and scroll down to find the Countdown field and set it to 0.0s.

Note that Take Recorder has a slight delay from the record trigger up until it starts recording even with the Countdown to 0.0s

Sequencer Record Event (deprecated in UE)

The Sequencer Record Event is based on a deprecated function of Unreal Engine that was replaced from Take Recorder. It is included for the time being to offer more options to you, but we recommend to avoid it and better use Take Recorder Event.

This event will only emulate the press of the Sequencer record button, so it's your responsibility to prepare a Sequence and select the Camera Actor inside this sequence before you hit the record button.

General steps to follow:

  1. Create a Sequence

    1. Set it at 30 fps

    2. Set the duration of your sequence according to the length required from your shot, by changing the end time

  2. Add your Camera Actor into the sequence and any other actor you would like to include, Animations etc.

    1. Add the channels for each parameter you want to record.

  3. Select the Camera Actor and keep it selected until you hit record with the smartphone.

Sequencer record also has a Countdown by default you can change that by going to the

Editor Preferences -> Content Editors -> Take Recorder -> User Settings -> Countdown

and edit its value to 0.0s

Blueprint Record Event

The Blueprint Record Event unlocks all other possible functionalities you may need for your production via the power of blueprints. You can setup these events on any blueprint of your choice, but you need to be able to bind those by using another event, either a custom one that you can expose to the editor and manually press or by attaching an already existing event like the Event BeginPlay of an Actor or the Event On Created of a Sequence Director blueprint.

You can set the Record events following these steps:

  1. Open your Blueprint

  2. Right-click and search for "Bind Recording Events", you will find it under the CameraTwin category

  3. Create 2 custom events, name them "Start Recording" and "Stop Recording" or something similar

  4. Drag the delegate reference (red rectangle) output of you custom events to the delegate reference (red rectangle) input of the "Bind Recording Events" node

  5. Make sure to actually call the "Bind Recording Events" node by another thread of execution

  6. Implement your workflows triggered by the 2 custom events you just created. These will be triggered when you start and stop your recording form the smartphone respectively.

Here is an example blueprint setup:

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