Prompt Guidelines

Prompt Guldeines

There are a few key steps in order to structure a proper prompt for animation and get more accurate results. Here are a few guidelines:

Keep in mind that the model currently supports animating only humanoid skeletons

1. Identify the key Action and Subject:

Start by identifying the main verb and subject in the sentence. For example, in "A personkicks with his left leg", the key action is "kicks" and the subject is "a person."

2. Note additional Descriptive Details:

Pay attention to any adjectives or adverbs that provide more detail about the action or subject. For example, in "A person performing a kick with hisleftleg.”, "left" describes which leg is being used for the kick.

3. Form descriptive prompts:

Combine the above elements into a full, descriptive prompt. For example in "A person performing a roundhouse kick with his left leg.” the motion should be realistic, focusing on the movement and impact of the left leg.

4. Usage of pronouns and subjective descriptors add noise

Prompts that do not include pronouns such as “something" or "someone”, yield better results.

Additionally, subjective descriptors and contextual details may introduce ambiguity and reduce clarity in the generated motion. In the following example prompts, the parts highlighted in red typically add unnecessary noise to the final motion:

"A character casually walking forward, then breaking into a jog as they notice they're late."

"A person walking forward, then stumbling over an unseen object, but regaining balance quickly."

"An individual starting with a standing position, then walking forward with a confident stride."

5. Simplify prompt(s) & Seed Prompt

Sometimes, a simple prompt, for example “jumping jacks” may yield better or consistent results compared to a more complex prompt such as “A person is doing jumping jacks”. Try simple action/verb focused prompts such as “walking”,“jumping”, “jumping jacks”. Also set a consistent seed (for example 1) and experiment by changing the seed.

Example Single and Multi Prompts

Single Prompts:

"A person walking forward at a leisurely pace, then gradually speeding up to a brisk walk forward”

This prompt demos the transition from a slow to a faster walking pace, observing the naturalness of the motion. Also try slow instead of leisurely and fast instead of brisk, for a more explicit prompt.

"An individual starting with a standing position, then walking forward with a confident stride."

This prompt demos the animation of starting to walk from a static position and the depiction of different walking styles.

"A person walking forward, then stumbling over an unseen object, but regaining balance quickly."

This demos the software's ability to animate sudden changes in movement and balance recovery.

"A character casually walking forward, then breaking into a jog as they notice they're late."

This prompt demos the transition from walking to jogging, along with the portrayal of urgency in the character's movement.

"A person skipping forward happily, then transitioning to a run."

This prompt demos the animation of playful movements and the transition from skipping to running.

"A person is doing jumping jacks."

This prompt demos the animation of playful movements and the transition from skipping to running.

Multi prompts:

$[0] A person is walking, 180

$[1] A person is jumping, 180

$[2] A person is doing jumping jacks, 180

This should yield an animation of a person walking, then jumping, then doing jumping jacks.

$[0] A person is taking 4 steps forward, 180

$[1] A person is taking 2 steps backward, 70

$[2] A person is taking 3 steps strafing to the left, 100

$[3] A person is taking 3 steps strafing to the right, 100

This should yield an animation of a person performing forward, backward and strafing left to right steps in a complete sequence.

Last updated